FAQ - TalentFOUND | Colorado Career Development Network
Some of the most frequently asked questions about TalentFOUND.

TalentFOUND, the Colorado talent development network, comprises all the systems, partners, programs, and initiatives offering services to ensure that students, job seekers, and workers have access to meaningful careers, and employers have access to skilled talent.

TalentFOUND is the Colorado talent development network. We are working to bring together this diverse and disparate network to meet the vision of all Coloradans having access to meaningful work and all Colorado businesses having access to the talent they need to grow and thrive.

The three main components are 1. the network, 2. the brand, and 3. this electronic gateway.

The Colorado talent development network — comprising the systems, organizations, and networks of workforce development, economic development, education and training, business, and community-based organizations — has existed for some time. Our aim is to enhance connections among partners, integration of efforts, and sharing of best practices by continuing to grow and formalize the network.

The TalentFOUND brand was launched with the 2016 Colorado Talent Pipeline Report. It has been used for events, website, campaigns, and most often when affiliates of the talent development network are partnering on a project and want to avoid logo soup and avoid creating a whole new brand.

Electronic Gateway
The electronic gateway is the “central hub” of the Colorado talent development newtork with two main goals:

  1. Connecting students, job seekers, and employers with the tools and resources of the talent development network 
  2. A resource for network affiliates to help us strengthen the network

TalentFOUND is being created to help all talent development network partners better serve our customers – students, job seekers, workers, and employers. We know you already provide unparalleled value to those you serve. We are here to drive the right people to the right services available to them – to your services. By helping people and organizations better understand and navigate the network, we are not only bringing new customers into the fold; we are also bringing more informed, educated, and engaged customers and pointing them to the right place in the system for them to plug in. Specifically, TalentFOUND looks to better:

  • Give people access to information and resources before they come through your door
  • Drive new users to your services
  • Make the systems and services easier to find, access, and use
  • Increase awareness, understanding, and connectivity among partners and systems
  • Give you a tool you can provide to people for their own research and exploration, and to help you cross-promote people to the right agencies, partners, and resources